11 Ağustos 2014 Pazartesi


One of the factors to prove the Turkic origins of theTrojans is the Etruscan writings that has been deciphered by Prof. Chingiz Garasharli through Old Turkic languages. The Etruscans are known to have descended from the Trojans who had migrated to Italy after the collapse of Troy.

Chingiz Garasharli, professor of the Azerbaijan University of Languages, answers this question in his newly published book “The Trojans wereTurks”. 

His conclusion is based on four factors: 

Information of Old European authors, who write about the Turkic origins of the Trojans. 

The Fredegar Chronicle of the 7th century, Gesta Francorum of the 12th century, Tyreli William of the 12th century, Andrea Dandalo of the 14th century and many others considered the Turks to have descended from the Turcos of the Trojan origin.

Felik Fabri, a German author, referred the Turkic history of Troy to the older period - to the time of Teucros.

Giovanni Mario Filelfo informs in his work “Amyris” that Sultan Mehmed the 2nd presented his victory over Greeks as a triumph of justice. According to him, with the conquest of Istanbul the Turks revenged the Greeks who had once occupied it.

Sultan Mehmed, the Turkish sultan, who was well informed about the Turkic origins of Troy,was right to consider the conquest of Istanbul as vengeance for Troy. Later in the 20th century Mus tafa Kemal Ataturk considered his victory onforeign invaders as vengeance for Ektor, a Trojan hero, the son of the last Trojan king - Priam.

In fact these Turkish victories were not at all invasion, but liberati on of old motherland and vengeance for Troy of which evidence the European sources of 7th-15th centuries.

After Troy was destroyed by the Greeks, its population migrated in different directions, among which two of them are of particular interest: those who migrated to Italy founded the Etruscan civilization and those who settled in the north of Europe were dealt within old Germanic sagas as the Turkic kings of Sweden and Norway.

The second factor 
to prove the Turkic origins of the Trojans is the Etruscan writings that has been de cip he red by Ch. Garasharli through Old Turkic languages.

The Etruscans are known to have descended from the Trojans who had migrated to Italy after the collapse of Troy. 

Some European researchers yet in the previous centuries having found Turkic words in the Etruscan language, considered it to be of Turkic origin. They could not however go further on into the texts, as their translation needed a deeper knowledge of Old Turkic languages which could serve as key to the Etruscan writings. 

It was done by Garasharli in his researches. Garasharli is right to say that the old European sources had no reason to fabricate false stories about Troy. 

He presents numerous facts of the Old Turkic names of the Trojans that prove the information of the Old European authors. 

It is the third factor 
to prove the Turkic origins of theTrojans: Priam, the name of the last Trojan king, is obviously the same Priyam, the name of a Turanian commander, described in an old Turkic (Kazakh) epic. It should be mentioned that the Kazakhan throponomy is particularly distinguished among Turkic languages for containing evidentearly Mediterranean (Trojan, Pelasgian) names.

Even the name of the Ionian (Pelasgian) folk singer and poet, Homer, turns out to have its counter part in the Kazakh epic: Gumar, a mythological Turanian folksinger Garasharli discovers in the anthoponomy of the Trojans a whole group of Turkic names, which have evident counter parts in the old Turkic, Kazakh, Kirghizian, Chuvash and other Turkic languages.

Dardan, an ancestor of Priam's generation, is the same Kirghizian Dardan - a personal name. And the interpretation is reasonable: Turkic Dardan stems from the Kirghizian appellative dardan, which forms the personal name meaning “healthy”, “enormous”, “clumsy”. 

Alber, the name of a Trojan commander, is the same old Turkic Alper, denoting “hero”, “brave” (O.Turk. alp, alb, “hero”, “brave” - er “man”) which was widely used as a component of Old Turkic personal names, and in the name of Alper Tonga, a Turanian ruler.

Garasharli discovers this name in old Germanic sagas. “The saga about Nibelungs” tells us about the albs (”heroes”) and their king Alberikh - Trojan by origin, who were the leaders of the Trojans.. 

Askan, the name of a Trojan hero, is completely consonant with an Old Turkic pers nal name - Askan, used by the Huns. Today it is observed in the anthroponomy of the Turkic Altays. 

Ch.Garasharli derives its origin from the appellative askan (”violent”, “naughty”) used in Turkic languages. Paris, the name of Priam's son, is found to coincide with the Turkic (Khakas) Paris, a variant of the personal names Baris/Barys/Barysh/Bars, used in other Turkic languages. 

It is derived from the Turkic parys/pars/bars (”ounce”, “snow leopard”) and used as the symbol of strength in Turkic anthroponomy. It is al so observed in such compound personal names as Barsbeg, Barskan, Barýsbek (Kzakh), Barisbi (Karachay - Balkar), etc. 

The onomastic analogies found by the author are more and more. 
He finds that Aytilla, Priam's sister, to be the same as the Kirghizian Aytilla, a male name. Batiya, a female personal name, referred to the daughter of Teucros, the first king of Troy, is the same Batiya used in the Kazakh anthroponomy as female name.

Thus, the author finds the names of both Priam and his generation in Turkic anthroponomy. 

Garasharli finds out analogies between Turkic-Trojan gods. For instance, Bayana, Athorodita's epithet in Troy. In Greek mythology Athorodi ta was known as the goddess of marriage, birth and nursing”. The same function belonged to the Turkic Goddess, Bayana, which has obvious Turkic roots. 

Composed of the Turkic bay (”protect -ress”, “great”, “sacred”) and ana (”mother”), the theonym denotes “the protectress of the tribe”,“the great mother of the tribe”.

Finally, the fourth factor 
is the Old Turkic(Trojan) lexicon borrowed in to the Scandinavian languages from the Trojan language, brought here by the Trojans after the collapse of Troy.

The existance of Turkic Trojans in Scandinavia was dealt by prof. Sven Lagerbring (1707-1787) in his book “The Turkic fathers of the Scandinavians”. 

In his book he demons trates a lot of Turkic words used in the Swedish language with the same meaning as in Turkic. 

Prof. Garasharli's personal researches gives the same result. He has discovered a number of Turkic words in Scandinavin and Celtic languages which are harmonious with the information of the old Scandinavian sagas about the Turkic kings of Sweden and Norway. Researches of Garasharli illucidates the darkages of Scandinavian history which was connected with the Trojans, the old settlers of this land after the collapse of Troy. 

These historical events as well as the Turkic origins of the Mediterranean civilization is dealt in the book “The Turkic Civilization Lost in the Mediterranean Basin”


from his book:

Some Germanic sources write about the old kings of Sweden and Norway as Turkic kings and the royal nobility of Scandinavia as being of Trojan origin [62, p.73, 182].

The northward migration of the Trojans also found its reflection in the «Saga about Nibelungs» where the Trojans are called albs («heroes») and their king – Alberikh [139, 131-133]. 

Alb is derived from the old Turkic alp, alb («brave», «daring») [176,37].

As to Alberikh, it consists of the same alb and old Turkic – erik («swift», «energetic») [176, 177]. 

The first element of erig (er «brave», «warrior») was used in combination with alb/alp as a personal name: Alber, a Trojan personal name in the «Iliad», Alper – an Old Turkic personal name with the meaning «brave warrior», «brave man» and «daring man».

A 13th century Scandinavian author, S.Sturluson, refers to the Trojan migration to the north of Europe as the beginning of a new era. According to V. Sherbakov, the valley of the Alp mountains, in the beginning of the new era, was settled by a people who spoke the Etruscan language [143, 194].


Alber, the name of a Trojan commander, is the same old Turkic Alper, denoting «hero», «brave» (O.Turk. alp, alb, «hero», «brave» - er «man») [49, 136-137].

Alper was widely used as a component of Old Turkic personal names, and in the name of Alper Tonga, a Turanian ruler [176, 37].

The Trojans, who settled in North Europe after the collapse of Troy, left this name in old Germanic sagas. «The saga about Nibelungs» tells us about the albs («heroes») and their king Alberikh - Trojan by origin [139, 131-133].

Askan, the name of a Trojan hero [9, 205], is completely consonant with an Old Turkic personal name – Askan, used by the Huns [150, 75]. Today it is observed in the anthroponomy of the Turkic Altays [125, 50].

Its origin stems from the appellative askan («violent», «naughty») [200, 44], the Chuvash variant of the Turkic azhgın [165, 85].

Atas, the name of another son of Priam [41, 190], can be compared with Atas, a Kazakh personal name (168, 63), derived from the Turkic ata («father») with the unproductive suffix s, denoting likeness, similarity: ata-s «like father», «similar to
father». The analogical word is observed in the Bashkir language (atas «like father») [169, 58].

Chingiz Garasharly
The Turkic Civilization lost in the Mediterranean basin
BAKÜ 2011 - Professor, Doctor of Philological sciences 
Azarbaijan President Library e-book : 

photo: Hector Comb, 50 BC 
Achilles dragging Hector's corpse
Museo Nazionale Archeologico Taranto-Italy

Homer tells of the Trojan night-spy Dolon hiding under a wolfskin, and Euripides embellishes the tale:

"I will draw a wolf skin over my back, put the beast's gaping jaws around my head, fasten the forelegs to my hands, its legs to mine,  and mimic the four-footedwolf-gait, hard to spot for the foes."

Euripides, whose Dolon walks on all fours like a wolf, stresses the stealth that the wolfskin grants.

Bu tür izahlar bazı gerçeklerle da ispatlanabilir. Belirtmek gerekir ki, Yunanlılar, Balkan ve Küçük Asya'ya gelmeden önce buralarda Türk unsuru mevcuttu. Örneğin, Truva  Savaşı sırasında Truva hâkimi Priam (8*) müttefiklerine yardıma gitmişti. 

Another important factor that illustrates the non-Indo-European origin of the Pelasgians is their close relationship to the Thracians - pre-Greek settlers of Greece. Pelasgo-Thracian onomastic parallels, as well as the Thraco – Trojan kinship, dealt with in the "Iliad", exclude the Indo-European origins of both Pelasgians and Thracians, as long as the Trojans are known to have been neither Greek, nor of any other Indo-European peoples. 



Yıl 1801... 
Asya Tarihi üzerine kurulmuş bir araştırma kuruluşunun yıllık yayınının ilk sayısında, kuruluşun başkanının açılış konuşmasından.
Özet olarak şunu söylüyor.

Tarihin eski çağlarında Yunanlıların yazdıkları Tarih kayıtlarında Asya ile ilgili tüm Coğrafya ve Tarihle ilgili özgün isimleri kasıtlı olarak değiştirdiklerinden söz ediyor. 

Garip bir şekilde ırmak, kent, ülke adlarını tanınmaması için sakladıklarından söz ediyor. Bu yaptıklarının hala bu günlere kadar büyük karmaşıklığa ve belirsizliklere neden olduğunu söylüyor.

Bu yapılanın tek amacı o toplumları Tarih sahnesinden silmektir.

Bu böyle olunca da: Tarihin 5500 yıl ve öncesine uzanan ve zamanının en ileri ve büyük uygarlığı olan Türk Oğuz Boyu uygarlığının adını verdiği  "Oğuz" Irmağı'nı, bir beş para etmez Üniversitenin, beş para etmez profesöründen tarihi adı diye "Oxus" olarak öğrenirsin.

Sonra da dünya üzerinde kimsenin ciddiye almadığı, elindeki o beş para etmez diplomayla boş kafalı bir asalak olarak yaşarsın. Hatta haddini bilmez bir de ağzını açarsın…

Ali Erden Sizgek

Vol. 1, 1801

