
15 Eylül 2014 Pazartesi


...The old Turanian race of Babylonia named 
from the region Akad or Ak-kad....

...There is no doubt that their language is Turanian, 
apparently nearest to Turkish...

Fatis of Man - Forlong


Akkadian, although a dead language, has left deep imprints 
on Semitic and some Indo-European languages, 
and has played an important role in the history of mankind.

It is accepted as the ancestor of all the Semitic languages. Beginning from the era of Sargon I, it became the official language in a vast area from Anatolia to Egypt and to India.

Akkadian was the "Lingua Franca" of the ancient world, 
and has passed on many words to other languages such as 
Persina, Sanskrit and Greek. 
Although, Assyriologists at present ignore it,
the language spoken in the very days of Akkad, in BCE 28-24, 
may have been an agglutinative language like today's 
Turkish or Magyar,
 rather than an inflective language like today's 
Arabic and all Syriac languages.

Thus it may show parallelism with Turkish.

Elşad Alili - Institution of Linguistics, Azerbaijan
Osman Çataloluk - Department of Archeogenetics, Turkey

Similarity Between Turkish & Akkadian Based on 
Rules of Inflective Agglutinative Languages

AL&LS Advances in Language and Literary Studies


Arabic and Turkish


Altaic Hieroglyphs and Hittite inscriptions

"In this region however Darius I set up his Behistun text in three languages, Persian, Semitic and Turanian. Hence Dr.Oppert supposes the "Prot-Medes" to have been a Turanian race, akin to the old population of Susa further south, and to the Akkadians."


Med İmparatorluğu'na ait yazıt Türkçe çıktı.

....It has a long mythical history among Turanian Hittites,
 and other tribes from Central Asia, 
connected with owls and Svastika crosses......

Faits of Man - Forlong

Hitit , Alacahöyük MÖ.14.yy - Çift başlı kartal

Kazakistan - Çift kulaklı kartal - MÖ.3.yy
Bir Türk kurganında bulunan Kulaklı Kartal ...
Selçuklular da bu Kulaklı Kartalı İmparatorluk sembolü olarak kullanmıştır.

Çift Başlı Kartal



The study of myths , or "sayings". The myth has a natural origin in the belief that every natural object has a life or soul and in the imperfect language of early man. 

The first poets who described nature did not use similes. They said the cloud was a bellowing bull and not that the thunder in the cloud bellowed like a bull. The meanings of the myths, when fairly clear, are explained in special articles on the various legends.

Turanian and Semitic races have myths as well as Aryans , and the Greeks BORROWED many of theirs from Akkadians, Hittites, Babylonians and Phoenicians....

Faits of Man - Forlong