Whose language was Akkadian. Many of their texts occur at Nipur, and they erected boundary stones in the 12th and 11th centuries BC. The later Kassites used the Semitic Babylonian language.
The old TURANIAN race of Babylonia,
named from the region Akad or Ak-kad.
Horned serpent devouring man - Chalcatzingo
Western San Rafael Swell region of Utah
Pony Hills and Cook's Peak, New Mexico
İskandinavya MS.5.yy
İskandinav / Kurt/Evren/Serpent - Runik yazı ile
İskit - Boynuzlu Kurt/Evren/Serpent MÖ.500-400
Mezopotamya / Boynuzlu Kurt/Evren/Serpent
Viking Dönemi
Kurt/Evren 1500-1700
Sasaniler - MS 5.-6.yy
İsis / Serpent - MS.2.yy