Artemis, Apollo ve anneleri Leto Lycia/Likya'da
üçlü olarak tapkı görür.
Apollo Güneş'i , Artemis Ay'ı temsil eder ve
Lykos Kurt demektir.
Likyalı Leto hikayelerde pek anılmaz, Etrüsklerde Letun, Romalılarda Latona diye geçer. Leto'nun annesi Phoebe (Dolunay- bilgelik) ve babası Coeus (Güneş - iki kutbu da saran gökyüzü/atmosfer - akıl,zeka,bilgi) birer Titandır.
Coeus ve Phoebe, Uranus (Gök) Gaia (Dünya) nın çocuklarıdır.
Burada Dişi kurt ve ikizler benzerliğini de görebiliriz.
"Hera Leto'nun hamile olduğunu öğrenince peşine düşer. Leto doğum yapacak yer ararken "Hyperboreans" dan bir Dişi Kurt rehberliğinde aşağıya iner, (ya da kurt ülkesini arıyordur) ve daha sonra kurtları üstün tutar, saygı gösterir."
= Dişi Kurt ve İkizler = Türk-Etrüsk-Roma ve kolonileşme ile Yunan'a ama dişi kurtsuz !
Artemis bir Amazondur. Amazonlar İskit ve Kimmerler soyundandır. Apollo Etrüsklerde Apulu, Hititlerde Apulinus'tur.
Artemis ve Apollo kelimelerinin Yunanca bir anlamı yoktur .
İonia/İyonya kelimesi de Yunanca anlamsızdır.
Luwi dilinde Anatanrıça ülkesi demektir.
Azra Erat Mitoloji Sözlüğü'nde çok net bir şekilde isimlerin Yunanca karşılığı olmadığını belirtir. Ayrıca Mircea Eliade de buna değinir. İkizlerin doğum yeri Anadolu olsa da Yunan mitlerinde Delos diye geçer.
( "Hyperborean=İskit ilişkisi" !)
Artemis; Geyik (İskitler, Hattiler), köpek (kurt bile olabilir !), okçuluk, ay, bereket (Anadolulu anatanrıça gibi)
Apollo; Güneş, okçuluk, defne ağacı (Efeler içinde kutsal!), lir (Marsiyas'ın flütüne karşı, flüt İskitlerden geçme!) oğlu Asklepios'un eğitimini atadam olan Cheiron'a verir (atadam İskitlerden esinlenerek üretilmiştir.)
Aslında hep aynı hikayeler,
herkes kendine göre yontmuş
Hyperboreanlı Abaris : İskit Efsanesi
Seuthes'ın oğlu olan Hyperborealı Abaris bir şifacı (şaman!) ve Apollo rahiplerindendir. Eğitimini Kafkas yakınındaki Hyperborea'da aldığı, bir salgın yüzünden ülkesini terkettiği anlatılır.
Bir aziz, peygamber, filozof gibi konuşması, şifacılığı, İskitli giyimi ve dürüstlüğü ile Yunanlılar arasında saygınlık kazanır.
İskit'in oğlu Seuthes'in oğlu Abaris'in İskit Efsanelerini yazdığı söylenir. Dünyayı efsaneleşmiş oku ile yemeden içmeden dolaşabilir, ok ona Apollo tarafından, ülkesi Hyperboreans'tan Yunaninstan'a giderken verilmiş.
Hyperboreliler, IV. Kitap
Hyperboreliler üzerine , ne Skythler, ne de bu bölgelerde oturanlar bir şey söylemektedirler. Belki İssedon'lar bir şeyler söylemişlerdir, ama bence onlar da bir şey söylememişlerdir. Söyleselerdi, Skythler de bunlar hakkında bir şey söylerlerdi, nitekim tek gözlüler için söylemişlerdir. Ama Hesiodos; Hyperborelilerden söz etmiştir. Homeros'un Epigonoslarda yaptığı gibi, tabii sahiden bu destanı Homeros yazdıysa.
( burada itiraf mı var?
Homeros'un yazıp yazmadığı, değişime uğramış olması,
İliyada'nın Yunanlılaştırılması hala tartışma konusu
SB :))
Bunlar hakkındaki bilgi bize asıl Deloslulardan gelmektedir. Skythiaya buğday saplarıyla bağlanmış kutsal sungular Hyperborelilerin oralardan gelir derler; oradan da uzak, Adriyatik bölgelerine kadar, bir ülkeden öbürüne elden ele verilerek gider; oradan güneye yönelen sungular, önce Yunanistanda Dodonalıların eline varır; oradan Malia körfezine iner ve Euboia boğazından geçer; bir ilden öbürüne Karystos'a yollanırlar; oradan çıktıktan sonra Androsa geçmezler; Karystosdan dosdoğru Tenosa ve Tenosdan da Delosa taşınırlar.
İşte Deloslular bu sungurların adalarına böyle geldiğini söylerler. Ama ilk seferinde Hyberboreliler bunları iki kızoğlan kıza taşıttırmışlar, ki Deloslular bunlara Hyperokhe ve Laodike adlarını verirler ; kendi yurttaşlarından beş kişiyi de yanlarına katmışlar, ki bugün bunlar Delosda büyük saygı görürler ve Taşıyıcılar diye anılırlar.
Ama Hyperboreliler gönderdikleri adamların geri dönmediklerini görmüşler. Acaba sonradan gidecek olan elçilerimiz de dönmeyecekler mi, diye telaş etmişler; bundan sonra buğday saplarına sarılıp komşularına olan sungularını getirip komşularına vermişler ve onların da öbür komşularına vermelerini istemişler. Böylece elden ele Delos'a kadar gelir derler.
Ben kendi hesabıma, Thrak ve Paionia kadınlarında da bu sungular için yapılanlara benzer bir görenek olduğunu biliyorum: Kraliçe Artemis adına kurban kestikleri zaman, töreni buğday sapı olmadan yapmazlar.
Bu kadınların saygı gösterdikleri görenek işte budur. - Hyperborelilerden gelen genç kızlar, Delos'da ölmüşlerdir, bunlara saygı olmak üzere bu adada kızlar ve oğlan saçlarını dibinden keserler. (Türklerde yas ifadesi!-SB) Kızlar evlenmeden önce saçlarını keserler; bir çubuğa dolayıp iki bakirenin mezarı üzerine koyarlar. (saç kurbanı Türklerde de vardı-SB)
Bu anıt, Artemis duvarları içersindedir, girişte sola düşer; bir zeytin ağacı gölgeler. Delos delikanlıları da saçlarını bir tutam ota sarar , öbürleri gibi mezarın üzerine bırakırlar. Bu genç kızlara Delos'ta böyle saygı gösterilir.
Gene aynı kaynaktan öğrendiğimize göre, iki Hyperboreli kız, Arge ve Opis de aynı yerlerden geçerek, hem de Hyperokhe ve Laodike'den önce, Delosa gelmişlerdir. Çabuk doğurmak için Eileithyia'ya haraç verirlerdi. töreler böyle geektiriyordu, onlar da bunu yerine getirmek üzere gelmişlerdi; bu Arge ile Opis adaya tanrılarla aynı zamanda gelmişler, öyle diyorlar ve Deloslular onlara saygılarını değişik bir biçimde gösterirler: Kadınlar sıra olurlar, Likyalı Olen'in kızları övmek için düzenlediği ilahiyi okuyarak adlarını anarlar.
Ayrıca opis ve Arge ilasını onların adlarını anarak söyleyen ve onlar adına yardım toplayan İonialılarla adalarda yaşayanların bu adları kendilerinden öğrendiklerini söylerler. (Delos'da okunan eski ilahileri düzenleyen gene de Olen'dir. Olen Likya'dan gelmiştir.)
Sunak üzerinde kurbanın butları yakıldığı zaman külleri Opis ve Arge'nin mezarları üzerine serpilir. Bu mezar Artemis tapınağının arkasına konmuştur; yüzü güneşin doğduğu yöne bakar ve Kea'lıların şölen salonunun hemen yanına düşer.
Hyperboreliler hakkında daha fazla bir şey söylemeyeceğiz. Güya Hyperboreli olan ve elindeki okla hiçbir şey yemeden dünyayı dolaştığı söylenen Abaris söylentisi için bir şey demek istemiyorum. - Eğer Hyperbore'de, yani yeryüzünün en kuzeyindeki ucunda yaşayanlar varsa, şüphesiz en güney ucunda da yaşayanlar vardır. Ve ben bu, "Dünya çevresinde yolculuk"lara bakıp gülüyorum, bunlardan bizde epeyce var ve aklın alabileceği bir bilgi vermiyorlar.
Bunlar , Okeanos tekerlek bir toprağı kuşatan bir kemer gibidir, diye soğuk şeyler yazıyorlar. Asya ile Avrupa'yı aynı büyüklükte gösteriyorlar. Ben bu anakaraların birbiriyle ölçüştürmeli olarak ne büyüklükte gösteriyorlar. Ben bu anakaraların birbiriyle ölçüştürmeli olarak ne büyüklükte olduklarını ve her birinin görünüşlerini birkaç sözle göstereceğim.
Lakin Abaris'in resmi yoktur :)
daha fazla bilgi :
Arimaspiler, Dağlı Altaylı İskitler
Kaybolan Cennetin Peşinde; Sümer ve Akad:
Ütopya mı? Gerçek mi?
Mars ve Venüs için yapılmış Sunak
Trajan döneminde yapılmış MS.98-117
Hadrian döneminde de kullanılmış.
Dişi kurt ve ikizler
Köşelerde Koç başları
National Museum of Rome
The "Capitoline" She-Wolf - early 400 BC
The twins, Romulus and Remus, date from the late 1400 AD
Rome’s She-Wolf Younger Than Its City
The icon of Rome’s foundation, the Capitoline she-wolf, was crafted in the Middle Ages, not the Antiquities, according to a research into the statue’s bronze-casting technique.
The discovery quashes the long-prevailing belief that the she-wolf was adopted as an icon by the earliest Romans as a symbol for their city.
Recalling the story of a she-wolf which fed Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome, and his twin brother, Remus, after they had been thrown in a basket into the Tiber River, the statue has been always linked to the ancient world.
An Etruscan workshop in the 5th century B.C. or the masterpiece of the 6th century B.C. Etruscan sculptor Vulca of Veii.
The Romans later adopted the wolf since her defiant stance and raised eyebrows seemed to reflect Rome’s liberation from the Etruscan rule.
On the contrary, scholars have long established that the bronze figures of Romulus and Remus were added in the Renaissance, in accordance to the legend of Rome’s foundation.
“Now incontestable proofs tell us that also the she-wolf is not a product of the Antiquities,” Adriano La Regina, former Rome’s archaeological superintendent and professor of Etruscology at Rome’s La Sapienza University, wrote in Italy’s daily “La Repubblica.”
According to La Regina, analysis carried out by restorer Anna Maria Carruba during the 1997 restoration of the bronze statue showed that the she-wolf was cast as a single unit.
Rossella Lorenzi, Discovery News,2006
Nursing She-Wolf , is a Turkish Myth !
"That the Etruscans were Turanians, and that they belonged to the North Turanian or Altaic branch the Turanian stem, cannot be denied."
(Victoria Institute (Great Britain) , journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, Or Philosophical Society of Great Britain, Band 10, BiblioBazzar, 2009, p.200)
"the Etruscan worship of ancestors was clearly a Turanian custom, and many of their official titles were of Hittite origin. As the Hittites were the chief builders, traders and civilizers of Western Asia, so the Etruscans were the leading builders, traders and civilizers of Western Europe. But the Etrsucans differed from most Turanian nations, by being a naval people"
(The London quarterly review, vol 86, Epworth Press,1896,p231)
"Year 1995 : After a week-long meeting in İtaly (Florence) Prof.Dr.Giovannangelo Comporeale, one of the most authoritative scientists regarding Etruscan studies, agreed to the fact that ancient Etrsucan inscriptions were written in Turkic tounge"
(Prof.Dr.Turgay Tüfekçioğlu, Etruscans, Orkun Publishing)
(...) In the opinion of Müller, the Etruscans were a race which judging from the evidence of the language, was originally very foreign to the Grecian, but neverthless had adopted more or the Hellenic civilisation and art than any other race not of the Greek family, in these earlt times. The principal reason, according to him, is probably furnished by the colony of the Pelasgo-Tyrrhenians, which was driven from Southern Lydia and establieshed itself chiefly around Caere (Agylla) and Tarquinii.
The latter city maintained for a while the dignity of a leading member among the confederate cities of Etruria and always remained the chief point from which Greek civilisation radiated over the rest of the country.
In Dr.Corssen's late work on "The Language of the Etruscans" he considers it as an Aryan language and as an old Italian dialect, which during centuries has suffered much from phonetic decay; but it is evident the Etruscan is strictly an agglutinative dialect of the Turanian type.
In the hands of Lord Crwford the speech of the Etruscans turns out to be very fair High Dutch, or Gothic; while the Rev.Isaac Taylor in his "Etruscan Researches" finds a key to the solution of Etruscan in the Ugric or Finnic-Turkic, a kindred Turanian language.
The Etruscan problem must however, still be considered unsolved though much has been done to help it forward and we must await the discovery of a long bilingual inscription before the question can be finally settled. ***
To the many theories which have been advanced in regard to the Etruscans, may we be allowed to put forward one more?
In our view the Etruscans appear to be an original Turanian race , which formed the underlying stratum of population over the whole world and which cropped up, like Basques in Spain, in that part of Italy called Etruria.
"The great feature in the history of the Turanian races" as Mr.Fergusson writes, "is that they were the first to people the whole world beyond the limits of the origianl cradle of mankind. Like the primitive unstratifed rocks of geologists, they form the sub-structure of the whole world, frequently rising into the highest and most prominent peaks, sometimes overflowing whole districts and occupying a vast portion of the world's surface, everywhere underlying all the others, and affording their disintegrated materials to form the more recent strata that now overlie and frequently obliterate them.
In appearance at least, whether nearly obliterated as they are in most parts of Europe, or whether they still retain their nationality, as in the eastern parts of Asia, they always appear as the earliest of races, and everywhere present peculiarities of feeling and civilisation easily recognised and distinguish them from all the other races of mankind." (Fergusson 'History of Architecture' vol.i.p.46)
The language of the Etruscans also seems to be Turanian, an early stage of language which forms the substructure of a higher stage in many countries, a stage which language must necessarily pass through before reaching the higher inflectional or Aryan stage, for as Professor Müller observes, we cannot resist the conclusion that what is now inflectional was formerly agglutinative.
"Further" as Sir Gardner Wilkinson writes, "it is the earliest mould into which human discourse naturally, and as it were spoutaneously throws itself."
Hence the apparent connection of the Etruscan with other Turanian languages, such as the Scythic, the Finnic, etc.
At a later period by colonisation first, the Tyrrhenian from Lydia and secondly the Corinthian, when Demaratus settled at Tarquinii, they received a Greek element of civilisation, but the people still remained essentially Turanian in their feelings and habits.
Mr.Taylor has pointed out some coincidences and similarities in their language and religious beliefs to those of the Ugric and Tartaric races. These similarities are not, however, to be attributed to any attinity of race or direct connection, but to these peoples being in the same stage of development with regard to civilisation and especially in regard to language.
The phase of civilisation being the same, similar beliefs, customs, etc. will necessarily be evolved. The phase of language being agglutinative, many similarities will appear among Turanian or agglutinative languages, as the necessary result of their being in the same phase, and not from any conncetion of race.
The characteristics of Etruscan beliefs and vreed, of Etrsucan language, will bear a great resemblance to those of other races in a similar low stage of development. This may be proved by extending the analogies.
Thus we find in the imperfect civilisation of some of the American races, which may be considered as analogous to the Turanians of the eastern world, many analogies in beliefs, customs and language to the Turanian stage.
Hence, we meet in America temple-tombs (the pyramids of Mexico were undoubted temple-tombs) an animistic belief, tent, life, language in agglutinative phase, etc. Many other features, counterparts of which will be found occurring in the Turanian stage of the eastern world, will be met in Mexico and Peru, all the necessary growth of that phase of civilisation.
(Hodder M.Westropp, Handbook of Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan and Roman Archeolohy, Kessinger Publisching, 2003, p.482)
1878 basımı : link
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Etruscan Fresk - Wolf Warrior |
"In the ancient world the typical Turanians were the Egyptians; in the modern, the Chinese and Japanese, and perhaps the Mexicans. The Turanians existed in the valley of the Euphrates before the Semitic or Aryan races came there (...) The oldest people in Europe of this family are the Pelasgi and the Etruscans. The race also appears in the Magyars, Finns, and Lapps, but ultimately they were everywhere overpowered by the Aryans who drove them into remote corners."
Moses W.Redding, Illustrated History of Freemasonry, Kessinger Publ.1997, p.194
Illustrated History of Freemasonry, 1910 -
Sayfa 194 - Google Kitaplar Sonucu
Moses W. Redding - 1997 - Body, Mind & Spirit
The Turanian races were the first to people the world beyond the limits of the ... in the valley of the Euphrates before the Semitic or Aryan races came there.
Illustrated History of Freemasonry, 1910 - Sayfa 194 -
Google Kitaplar Sonucu - Bu sayfanın çevirisini yap
Moses W. Redding - 1997 - Body, Mind & Spirit
The Picts, or Pictish, were a Celtic race, and were first known to history in the ... The oldest people in Europe of this family are the Pelasgi and the Etruscans. The race also appears in the Magyars, Finns, and Lapps, but ultimately they were everywhere overpowered by the Aryans who drove them into remote corners.
To point the similar political systems used by the Turks and the Etruscans and that there is a substantial connection between the Etruscan 'Fanum Voltumnae' (yearly political assemblies) and the 'Kurultay' of the Turks, it is ample to cite Deguines, De Groot and Klaproth :
+ J.Deguines "Histoire des Huns, Des Turcs et des Mongols" Paris ,1856
+De Groot , "Die Hunne der vorchristlichen Zeit" Berlin, 1921
+ H.J.Von Klaproth, "Memoire sur l'identite des Toukiou et des Hioung-Nou avec les Turcs", Paris 1925
"The Etruscans, the inhabitants of the greater part of Italy, were a Turanian people, migrating from Asia Minor about Etruria (...)
American architect and architecture Bande 33-34, The American architect, 1891 p.134
Putting aside the languages of such impossible races, the languages of Europe and Asia divide themselves into three grand divisions:—
I. The Aryan or Indo-European languages,—such as Sanskrit, Persian, Greek, Latin, German, Russian, or Welsh.
II. The Semitic languages,—such as Phosnician, Hebrew, Arabic, and Assyrian.
III. The Turanian languages, comprising the various Finnic, Turkic, Mongolic, Dravidic, and Malayic dialects.
But if it be admitted, as it must be, that the Etruscan numerals are decisively Turanian, it follows, I think, without further evidence, that the Etruscan belongs to the Turanian family of languages.
"We quite agree with this, for the Turanian origin of the Etruscans is well established"
The London quartly review, Vol.86, Epworth Press 1896, p.231
"The Turanian type of the Etruscans, and the Etruscan character of their language, are fully treated by Dr.Isaac Taylor, 'Etruscan Researches' 1874, with his pamphlet on the 'Etruscan Language' 1876"
"We gather from this language (especially from the known numerals) that they were of Altaic, or Turanian stock, like their Asiatic neighbours the Hittites and Kati"
(...) even the Rhati in the Alps were civilised by them and retained the Tuskan language.
(...) The word 'Tus', whence Tuskan, apparently means 'south' as in Turkish dialects.
"In the Etruscan confederacy of 12 cities each king was independent and all were allied for war an universal Turanian custom which we may trace among Hittites, Akkadians and non-Aryans in India (...) The word 'Vol' appears to be the Turkish 'aul' and Akkadian 'alu' for a 'camp' or 'city'. This system of government among Turanians proved too weak to resist the empires of united races, whether Semitic or Aryan.
Like other Turanians the Tursenoi or Etruscans were highly religious or as we should call them superstitious
The names of the gods of Etruria are explained by Dr.Isaac Taylor and others, by aid of Turanian languages.
Tina, the sky spirit (Tatar Turkish Tin)
Summano (Mongol sumans,Lapp Tuman , 'holly')
Usil, the rising sun (Finnic Usal, Asal 'morning' or Turkish Işıl or bright)
Tushna, the midday sun (Tatar Turkish Tus'south')
Janus, the god of creation (...) (Tatar Turkish Jen 'god')
Sethluns was Vulcan (from Set of Süt, Turkish to burn)
Sancus was a Sabine god (Akkadian San, Turkish Sang 'mighty')
Thana was Diana (Tatar Turkish Tan 'light' or Yacut/Sakha Turkish ting 'dawn')
The Lares were spirits as were the Penates (Tatar Turkish ban 'spirit')
The Greeks equally owed many of their deities, and early arts, to the congers of the Tuskans in Asia Minor. The mythology of Etruria points to an Eastern and to a Turanian origin.
J.G.R.Forlong, Encyclopedia of Religions or Faiths of Man, part 2, Kessinger Publisching,
"Unless a great substratum of the inhabitants of Greece belonged to the Turanian family, their religion, like their language, ought to have presented a much closer affinity to the earlier sriptures of the Aryan race than we find to be the case. The curious anthropic mythology of the Grecian Pantheon seems only explicable on the assumption of a petential Turanian element on the population, [...]."
(James Fergusson, Tree and serpent worship, or, Illustrations of mythology and art in India in the first and fourth centuries after Christ: from the sculptures of the Buddhist topes at Sanchi and Amravati, Asian Educational Services, 2004, Reprint London 1873 edn., p.13)
"Working with linguistic evidence and etymological "method", Georgiev asserts that the Etruscans were none other than the Trojans, the legendary founders of Rome."
(Philip Baldi, The foundations of Latin, Walter de Gruyter, 2002, p.111)
"Among the cleares philological indications are the use of postpositions and agglutination, with words such as (...)
+Tarkon - chief (the Hittite Tarkhun, Turkish Tarkhan)
+Charun (Turkish Khar-un means evil god)
+ Clan 'son' (Turkish oglan means boy)
"Nothing can prove more clearly the Turanian origin of the Etruscans than the fact that all we know of them is derived from thier TOMBS"
James Fergusson, A History of architecture in all countries, J.Murray, 1865 ,p.257
Anatolia was home to Etruscans at least in 5000-6000 BC. and later in 3500 the Sumerians and the Cimmerians in later periods.
Turkic World Researc Foundation , the Turkic World Research, Vol 124-126,2000 p.25
It is also worth mentioning that modern Tuva, a Turanian people, call their shamanic protector spirits érénï - a cognate term for the ancient Hellenic erinnyes, which were dark "Fury" spirits that punished and pursued sinners
(see: "Shamanism" by Mircea Eliade, p.498)
Initial analysis of ancient DNA suggest that the Etruscans (or at least the elite) did form a relatively closeknit biological population, shared some characteristics with the Turkish area of the eastern Mediterranean.
Simon K.F.Stoddart, Historical dictionary of the Etruscans, Scarecrow Press, 2009 p.88
700BC Etruscans borrow alphabetic writing from Greeks, and become first people in Italy to write............DİD NOT BORROW FROM GREEKS, GREEKS BORROW FROM THEM. (SB)
The enigma of Italy's ancient Etruscans is finally unravelled
DNA tests on their Italian descendants show the 'tuscii' came from Turkey -
John Hooper in Rome
The Guardian, Monday 18 June 2007 , press link
The shortest genetic distances between the Etruscan and modern populations are with Tuscans ( Fst=0,036 ; P=0017) and Turks (Fst=0,037 ; P=0001) ; values of Fst <0,050 were also observed for other populations of the Meditarranean shores and for the Cornish
The Etruscans : A population -Genetic Study, The American Society of Human Genetics, 2004
Moreover it is more than probable that the stem "Tur-2 (> Tur anians) is also the basic of the name of the Turks : The biological-genetic affiliation of the Etruscans and the Turks has very recently been proven (Achilli et al,2007, Pellacchia et al.2007) (...)
Since on the one side the Etruscans are genetically Turks and on the other side they are linguistically Hungarians, this can be only due to the common Sumerian origin of both the Turks and the Hungarians (...) using linguistic, archaeological, historical and biological-genetic facts that the Rhaetians are not related with the Etruscans, but the Etruscans and the ancient inhabitants of Lemnos are related with the Hungarians, The Turks and the Sumerians.
We may as further if Etruscan is really as asserted by Alinei (2003,2005a) a form of Early Hungarian or if it belonged to another language closely related to Hungarian
Prof.Dr.Alfred Toth, Etruscan,Huns and Hungarians, 2007
Pelasgians (Lemnos inhabitants) were pre-Hellenic , non Indo-European speaking people who inhabited the area long before the Greek migrations to the area started.
Encylopedia Britannica (5,p.448) by B.C.Atkinson, formerly Under-Librarian Universtiy Library , Cambridge University
the Pelasgians that originally lived in Libya or Palas Athena, and who later moved into ancient Greece as indigenous people there, were Altaic people. Excavations in Libya show this. They had some conflicts with the very first Egyptian dynasties. According to Herodotus, the pre-Greek population of the Lemnos island was Pelasgian, a non Indo-European people, and according to Thucydides they were Tyrrhenian. That word is the same word as Turanian (Altaic peoples).
Pythagoras, thousands of years later in time, was a Pelasgian and said so himself. They were described by ancient but later Greek historians as always riding on horseback and using strange, short horses (the kind used by other Altaics even today). Another ancient Greek name for them was Tyrrhenian, which is pronounced the same as the Turko-Tatar word for their own group: Turanian. These were considered the Old People or Original People there.
The Gorgon Medusa Guardians of Darkness
The Etruscans self-given name is known as R-Asena (wolf descendants) > see Turkic legend Asena.
H.Celal Güzel, Ali Birinci, General Turkic History, Vol.1, Yeni Türkiye 2002.p.413
The very first form of the Turkish Oil Wresting called "Yağlı Güreş" can be found among the Etruscans . The Greco-Roman wrestling as called by the Romans and the Midriff type of wrestling is an Etrsucan based sport.
Assoc.Dr.Haluk Berkmen : Table of Etruscan Wrestling
The Enigma of Pelasgians and Etruscans
Pelasgians, ancient people, the ancestors of NON Indo-European people.
Virgil (Aeneid, VIII, V. 62-63), writes:
“It is sayd that the first dwellers of our Italy were the Pelasgians”.
Pausanias (Arcadia, VIII, 1,4,6) reports:
“The Arcadians tell that Pelasgus was the first born in Arcadia. Since Pelasgus became king, the country was called Pelasgia in his honour”
Pindar (Carminia, Fragmenta Selecta, I, 240) tells:
“Bringing a beautifull gift, the earth made the first human being, the "Divine pelasgus", be born in arcadia, long before making the moon”
Homer mentions the Pelasgians between allied with the Troyans, (Iliad, II, 840-843) and narrates that Achille prayed “PELASGIAN ZEUS OF DODONA” (the Iliad, XVI, 223).
Homer also mentions them also like “PEOPLE of Crete”, (Odyssey, XIX, 177).
the “Tyrrhenian ones”.
book link
the similarity between Etruscans and Lydian tombs.
The scientists compared DNA samples taken from healthy males living in Tuscany, Northern Italy, the Southern Balkans, the island of Lemnos in Greece, and the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia. The Tuscan samples were taken from individuals who had lived in the area for at least three generations. The samples were compared with data from modern Turkish, South Italian, European and Middle-Eastern populations.
"We found that the DNA samples from individuals from Murlo and Volterra were more closely related those from near Eastern people than those of the other Italian samples", says Professor Piazza. "In Murlo particularly, one genetic variant is shared only by people from Turkey, and, of the samples we obtained, the Tuscan ones also show the closest affinity with those from Lemnos."
Scientists had previously shown this same relationship for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in order to analyse female lineages. And in a further study, analysis of mtDNA of ancient breeds of cattle still living in the former Etruria found that they too were related to breeds currently living in the near East.
mtDNA can change in time , but the Y-DNA not!
Etruscan's DNA match %99 with the TURKISH People.
R ratio is Turkish - have two sons R1a- R1b .
"30 percent of Greeks, Bulgarians, 24 percent of Serbs who do not like us at all, 35 percent of Armenians who do not like us also, 40 per cent of Britons and Germans , 99,7 percent of Basques is Turkish origin.
Today, 51 percent of the Europeans is Turkish origin.
Kurgan Culture is Turkish Culture.
the first Europeans were not Homo-Sapiens, it was Cro Magnon !
Homo sapiens entered in 16.000 BC. with R1a in Europe .
This is a very simple and naked truth.
It must be work together with the culture, historic, arceology and linguistic resources .
Professor Osman Çataloluk
Molecular Geneticist
The book «The Turkic Civilization of the Mediterranean» is devoted to the study of the early onomasticon of the region and will reveal the secrets of the Etruscan writings, which contain the mysteries of the early Mediterranean civilization. The nation which later became the Etruscans was known under the name Tursci in Latin.
This word is from the same origin as old Turuska, which denoted the old Turks in some ancient languages. The language of the old Turuskas discloses the mysteries of the Etruscan writings and of the early Mediterranean civilization, as a whole.
Now we can explain why the old Scandinavian sagas dealt with the Trojans and Thracians as Turks and why Thor Heyerdahl, a great scientist, wrote about the existence of the same civilization between the West and Azerbaijan- an old Turkic land.
The Turkic Civilization lost in the Mediterranean basin
Chingiz Garasharly
book link
By Polat Kaya
Mario Alinei
"The people with the kurgan culture were Altaic-speaking (and partly turcica) and not Indo-European as so far recorded (ex. from Lithuanian archologist Marija Gimbutas Baltic nationalist ideology-soaked).
Later part of these peoples of turcico-Altaic language migrated in Alpine Eastern Veneto area and Tuscania where in Tuscany they went to form the Etruscan etite minority (along with migrants coming by sea from Anatolia and the Eastern Mediterranean), in Veneto region these migrants from the Carpathian-Balkan region, contributed to the formation of the koinē venetica alongside indigenous Indo-European (direct descendants of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens that settled in these parts still back in the Paleolithic, 30/40 thousand years ago) and subsequent migrants from the Baltic area (in the 2nd millennium, perhaps partly contributors in the ethnicity and culture of ancient towers and part of the "terramare"???), while in the Alpine region contributed along with native peoples: Indo-European euganee-Switzerland-Veneto-Keltic and Slave to the formation of the Romansch-Ladin (akin to the veneto).