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the Temple of Artemis was huge, much larger than the Parthenon,127 great columns |
Efes Antik Kenti Kazıları
İzmir ile Denizli arasında İngilizler tarafından inşa edilecek tren yolunun mimarı J.T. WOOD, 1863 yılında Ayasuluk’a gelmiştir. British Museum adına kazılara başlayan WOOD, başlıca yedi dünya harikasından biri sayılan, fakat yerinin nerede olabileceğini kimsenin tahmin etmediği Artemision’u bulmak için kazılarını 1874 yılına kadar sürdürdü. Uzun yıllar süren araştırmaları sonucunda 1869 yılında Tiyatroda bulduğu bir yazıt, tapınağın topografyası ile ilgili önemli ipuçları verdi. Artemision’un mimari parçaları yüzyıllarca başka yapıların inşasında kullanıldığından eski büyük tapınağın ancak birkaç parçasını, bugünkü toprak seviyesinin çok altında zemin sularının içinde bulabilmişti. 1904/1905’te yine bir İngiliz, D.G. HOGARTH, tekrar British Museum adına Artemision’da kazılar yaptı.
British architect and engineer John Turtle Wood was sent by the British Museum to Ephesus, to search for the temple and eventually excavate it. In all, Wood spent eleven years at Ephesus (1863-1874), eventually finding and excavating the temple some seven meters below the ground surface.
*DISCOVERIES AT EPHESUS including the SITE AND REMAINS OF THE GREAT TEMPLE OF DIANA-1877(with photo's and inscriptions)
A Tale of Early Christianity by the REV.J.E.COPUS,1910
..."Hail, friend! may the great goddess be kind to all," said Andros, as he approached.
"Thou art kind, good Andros; may the great Diana prosper thy vines, for thy rent will be in proportion to their yield," answered a man about fifty years of age. He was florid of face and appeared to be a good patron of his own wine vats. When Andros had saluted all his friends and had taken his seat among them, the conversation which his coming had interrupted was resumed. "Hast heard the news, friend Andros?" inquired the red-faced speaker. "That there will be no Artemision festivities next spring?" said Andros facetiously. Every one knew that the cessation of the games and procession in honor of Diana and the glory of Ephesus was among the last of improbabilities. All laughed at the sally of humor. "No, good Callinus," continued Andros, "I have heard nought. Keep me not in suspense. Is the divine emperor dead?"...
When Aratus left the cave of Arachne, a little distance off the main travelled road to Magnesia, and discovered that the two sailors had deserted him, he was very much frightened. He also feared that the witch would release her terrible hound. There were known to exist in the surrounding low hills companies of robber bands who frequently and with startling boldness waylaid travellers.....
Aeolian and Doric invaders never peopled more of the country than the coast, leaving the aborigines in the interior, and though these aquired the use of the Greek language,they did not thereby become Greeks.
The probability is that the present so callde Greeks of Asia minor are the descendants of the Iberians, as the Basques of Spain are, and that the Greeks on our coasts became ectinct, as they did in Greece itself, where they have been replaced by Albanians, where as if our Asiatic Greeks are the descendants of İberians, this will account for many of the contrasts of appearance among the various classes of so callde Greeks in this city. It will account too, for resemblances between the present and the ancient populations, for as the Greece of that day was not homogenously Hellenic, but included Thracian, Macedonian,Epirot,Albanian and Asiatic İberian mixed up with Hellenics so does the present population include part of those elements.
In earlier mytic epochs Ephesus was the reputed refuge of Latona, the birthplace of Apollo and diana, the place of the metamorphosis of Syrinx into a reed, the lurking place of Pan, a chief seat of the Amazons, so ancient that Bacchus contended with them and Herculus too defeated them, but both acknowledged the worship of Diana, whose birthplace was marked by the original olive tree even in the Christian era, and consecrated by a heaven born image.
On the migration of the Greeks to Asia Minor, Ephesus was occupied by an Ionian colony, the events connected with which are abscured by fable...
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Sığla Bey (Ahmet Paşa) Türbesi
Selçuk kent merkezinde devlet hastanesinin bahçesinde bulunan türbenin içinde ve çevresinde de bir restorasyon projesi kapsamında kazılar yapıldı. Bu kazılar sırasında yapının iç kısmında bugünkü zemin seviyesinin altında İn situ olarak Aydınoğulları Beyliği Dönemi’ne tarihlenen Mezarlar ve Mezar Taşları bulunmuştur. Mezar taşlarının bazıları Kuran’dan Ayetler, mezar sahibinin ismi ve tarihi gibi Türbe’nin kimin adına ve hangi tarihte yapılmış olduğunu gösterecek önemli bilgiler taşır ki, mezar ayak taşlarının birisi üzerinde 1346 tarihi ile ‘Ahmet Paşa’ ismi okunmaktadır. Türbenin kuzeyi, doğusu ve güneyinde de mezarlar bulundu Yapının içerisinde ele geçen diğer mezar taşları da 14. Yüzyıl’ın ilk yarısına tarihlendirilmiştir. Tüm bu veriler, halk arasında Hastane Türbe veya Sığla Bey Türbesi olarak bilinen yapının, Selçuk’taki Beylikler Dönemi’ne ait yapıların en erken örneklerinden biri olabileceğine işaret etmektedir.
Tanrıça Artemis'in çeşitli formları / Özellikle Anadolulu olması ve Kybele/Anatanrıça ile özdeşleştirilmesi ve bereket sembolü olarak kabul edilmesi.( ne Artemis ne de Apollo Yunanca değildir ,Azra Erat Mitoloji sözlüğü)