from the book Atlantis and America by Hyde Clarke:
IV. Atlantis in the Timaeus
In the Timaeus of Plato we find the first reference of that aouthor to the history of Atlantis. It is given by him as a distinct tradition handed down from Solon, to whom he was related. This dialogue and the 'Critias' may be consulted in any translation , or more conveniently in 'Atlantis' by Igantius Donnelly.
In the Timaeus Critias relates that Solon had brought with him a history from Egypt. Solon had a contest with an Egyptian priest at Sias as to the ancient annals of Athens, and the priest had told him that the real annals of Athens were more illustrious than he (solon) supposed.
They embraced an action the greatest and most celebrated which this state ever achieved.
...Solon, you are unacquainted with that noble and excellent race of men who once inhabited your country from whom you and your whole present state are descended, though only a small remnant of this admirable people is now remaining ; your ignorance in this matter resulting from the fact that their posterity for many generations died without the power of speech through the medium of letters; for long before the chief deluge a city of Athenians existed, regulated by the best laws, both in military and all other matters, whose noble deeds and civil institutions are said to have been the most excellent of all we have heard to exist under heaven....
It may be taken that this refers to the previous Iberian, Khitoid, or pre-Hellenic epoch, when Athens as well as the other cities of the ancient world was founded and received its name.
In Egypt these matters would be better understood than in Athens. In Athens the old languages had died out and the ancient literature was ectinct, and herein it greatly differed from Rome, which like Babylon and Nineveh, remained under the spell of Turanian religion and science, Etruscan maintaining its vitality there as Akkad did in the last.
The Name Atalantis or Atlantis
The name Atalantis or Atlantis is by me taken as the name of the king and not that of the land, and as the name pf the king instead of Atlas. There is material enough to suggest the form atalantis.
Such a form as Atlantis or Atalantis brings it into conformity with mytholohical and historical surroundings.
In the course of my determinations (by some called Hittite a term calcylated to mislead in reference to characters found over western Asia and the eastern Mediterranean) much attention was devoted by me to the billingual in Khita and assyrian cuneiform, known as the boss or seal of Tarkhondemos or Tarkutimmi and on which some observations have been published by me.
This object has been very fancifully treated and as the figures on it are rudely or conventionally represented, various animal forms have been attributed to them. It is, however, now recognised that ,as stated by me (Athenaeum,1880) they are identical with characters, natural or conventional, represented in the inscriptions of Hamath, Carchemish, Magnesi, Ninfi and that the signifaication is the title of the king. From that point divergence into theory grows rife among writers.
It has , however been shown by me that the characters are identical with two types on the coins of Sardis, which represent the heads of a bull and a lion and in an artistic form the figures of a bull and a lion. Sardis is close to the inscriptions of the pseudo-Sesostris and the Niobe (?) at Ninfi and Magnesia.
From linguistic evidence it has been decided by me that on the boss, the bull stands for Tara or Tar, and the lion for Kun or Ku, Timmi or Demos meaning offspring or children.
In my paper contributed to the Royal Historical Society in 1882,on the 'Early history of the Mediterranean Populations, in their Migrations and settlements' will bu found at. pp.22.24 and 25, some remarks on the adoption of the head as the type of the animal ( so in Mexican inscriptions and now among the North American Indians. They are also found in Captain Gill's Western China the British museum) illustrative of the Tarkondemos characters ,and in the application of the bull and lion on coins.
In that treatise will be found several examples of cities of the form Tarakona, having either a bull or a lion, or both , as emblems.
such as ---
Acanthus, Macedonia, bull and lion
Knidos, lion
Tarraco, Spain, bull
Dyrrhacchium, Illyria, bull
Atrax, Thessaly, bull
Taurini, Italy, bull
Citium, Cyprus (deer) lion
Catana, Sicily , bull
Panticapaeum, bull,lion
Cibyra (Kibura) , (calf) lion
Syracusa, Sicily, bull
Khios, İsland , lion
Morgantia, Sicily (stag) lion.
Messana, Sicily, (calf) lion
Tarsus, Cilicia, bull, lion
Carthage, Afrika (goat) lion
Sardis, Lydia , bull,lion
Suessa,Campania, bull ,lion
Samos,İsland, bull,lion
Taking the form Tarkon - for in the Hamath inscriptions it ,s separable and found with or without the characters reading Timmi, Demos - we find many examples of it.
Tarku (timme, on boss)
Tarkondimotos, Cilician names quoted by Dr.Merdtmann
Tarkondemos ,Cilician names quoted by Dr.Mertmann
( the name Tarkondemos, or its local equivalent Dardanus, is found by me in the HİSSARLIK OR TROJAN İNSCRİPTİONS, discovered by Dr. Schliemann and read by Professor Gompers , of Vienna as TAGO or TAKO in CYPRİOTE characters (see my papers in Athenaum, July 25,1885 p.112) . The same interpretations I attach to the only characters discovered by Dr.Schliemann at MYCENAE.)
Tarcodimatos , Cilician names quoted by Dr. Merdtmann
Adarkonim , (ı Chron xxix ; Ezra viii 25,26) and Darkamonim (Ezra ii 69; Nehemiah vii 70,71) names given to foreign gold coins in the Bible)
Tarquin, kingly title and royal name in Etruria and Rome
Dercennus, king of Latium, in the Aeneid xi 850, which may be an invention, but ,like other words used by Virgil, seems to be modelled on an old form.
Tarquitius, see Faunus and Dryope, Aeneid x 550.
Tarchetius, king of Alba.
Telegonus, a legendary king of Italy, Egypt.
Telkhis, a king of Peleponnesus.
Telkhines, chief of Rhodes.
Darkuan is the word for king in the Kanyop language of Afrika
Tarakanausa, a name of the Khita or Khittim enumerated by Prof.T.K.Cheyne in the "Encyclopaedia Britannicaé after De Rouge.
The form ,is also to be found in the names of places. Besides Darkuan in Afrika we have the title Tarkhun still preserved in Central Tartary for which the "Bibliotheque Orientale" of D'Herbelot is quoted, p.847
He says that it is the title of a noble exempt from all kinds of taxes and from any contribution to the prince or general of plunder or booty he may have made in war. The Rev.Dr.Koelle informs me further that Zenker, in his "Turkish Dictionary" explains the word as the title of a dignitary at the courts of the Tartar khans, who enjoyed special privileges such as exemption from tribute, free access to the sovereign, inviolability of person , These privileges are of a princely kind.
Tarkhun was also applied as a name to a tribe of Jaghata Turks.
Mr. W.St.Chad Boscawen suggested to me in 1880 that Tirhakah is one of the forms of Tarkon.
Among the kingly names in the district of Sardis or Lydia we find Candaules (Kandaules), Tantalus, and in the Troad Dardanus. On the objects brought by Dr.Schliemann from the Troad inscriptions have been found by me, which appeat to represent the kingly title.
As to Kandaules , which we are justified in treating as Kan-daures, we have Tara-kon or Dara-kon reproduced.
The name of the individual who as called Kandaules is said to have been Myrsilus so that as suggested here, Kandaules may have been the kingly title.
On the other side in Kandaules , Tantalus and Dardanus we get a form like A-tlantis, A-talantis , A-taranti.....
page 39-42
Examination of the legend of Atlantis in reference to Protohistoric communication with America - Hyde Clarke e-book (Royal Historical Society)
Hyde Clarke (1815 – 1895) was :
Member of the American Oriental Society
Member of the German Oriental Society
Member of the Philoligical Society of Constantınople
President of the Academy of Anatolia
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